The Chilean Production was close to 81.000 tons in total this 2018. Due to an intense work in our farms, Superfruit had a production of 8.000 tons with an average size of 72, this is a very good result regarding size, but we still have to work on our production per hectar.
Chile had a carry over of 14.000 tons since from 2017, mainly small sizes.
Some exporters have commercialized the big sizes in Fresh to Asia with very good results, this can affect the global market for the current and next crop.
United States forecast a production 61.000 tons v/s the 95.000 tons of 2017, while Argentina had a production of 48.000 tons v/s the 12.000 of 2017.
So far, the global demand, mainly Europe, continues very stable in the different markets. Superfruit, as every year, is prepared to respond satisfactory.